You Can't Lock Up The Truth
The prison sentences for my friends, the Whole Truth Five, are a signal that democracy is crumbling in the UK. We must restore it or face fossil fuel fascism.

The democratic rule of law is crumbling in the UK. Increasing numbers of peaceful campaigners are being imprisoned while exercising their right to demonstrate, even as UK prisons overflow. Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood warns of a “total breakdown of law and order” if action isn't taken. Yet, the Government plans to release violent criminals early due to overcrowding, while imprisoning peaceful protestors under the draconian Anti-Protest Bill. This is a gross injustice to our democracy.
Last week, the #WholeTruthFive recieved 4-5 year prison sentences for merely participating in Zoom call to organise resistance to the carbon corrupted state. The judge barred them from explaining their motives to the jury, despite the scientific consensus on the catastrophic consequences of continued fossil fuel use. We’re on track for 3-4 degrees Celsius of increased warming above the pre-industrial average by the end of the century. This would lead to a billion climate refugees, millions of excess deaths and the loss of ordered civil society (including democracy and the rule of law). When the five defendants tried to explain this to the jury, they were arrested and repeatedly imprisoned for contempt of court.
It is shocking to most UK citizens that if accused of a crime, they may find themselves in front of jury unable in their defence to explain their action, or why they acted as they did. Historically Juries have acted as a ‘democratic safety valve’ refusing to convict defendants when governments have passed bad or unjust laws. Right now in British Courts both of these important democratic rights are being eroded, defendants are being silenced and juries are being denied the whole truth of cases.

Such attempts to stifle democracy and peaceful dissent are increasingly common across the justice system. United Nations Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders Michel Forst has expressed “grave concerns” about the UK’s severe crackdowns on environmental defenders. He reminded the UK government of its duty to facilitate the right to protest and noted that some disruption to society is to be expected.
It’s time to face the truth. Stop trying to lock it up.
Forst also issued a Letter of Allegation stating the UK may be breaching the Aarhus Convention, a international law which protects peaceful protestors from being penalised or harassed. Daniel Shaw, a former social worker with no prior convictions, exemplifies this. Held in prison for 113 days before trial and repeatedly denied bail, he was released with strict restrictions on seeing friends and attending protests.
Such repression has been building for years. The UN Rapporteur cited cases like a six-month prison sentence for a brief protest march and arrests for holding signs about jury rights, a principle enshrined in UK law since the 17th century.
Remember Xavi Gonzales-Trimmer? He took his life at age 21 amid fears of further, traumatising imprisonment for non-violent protest. Other protestors have been jailed for merely mentioning “climate change” and “fuel poverty” in court.
Others, like Morgan Trowland and Marcus Decker spent years in prison for hanging a banner above the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge. Decker is a German national and now faces deportation, which would separate him from his partner and step-children.
Why are such people being punished so harshly and banned from telling the whole truth about what is motivating their protests in court?
Well, in the past such evidence has convinced jury after jury that they should not be prosecuted.
In April 2021, protestors were acquitted of damaging Shell’s headquarters after arguing their actions were necessary and proportionate due to the company’s role in climate change. Similarly, others were acquitted of spraying fake blood on the Treasury after they highlighted to the jury the harm such financial institutions are doing by continuing to invest in fossil fuels.
Ordinary people recognize and respond to the truth when they hear it. The government's response is to silence them.
We must defend both the truth and the rights of those who speak it. Today I join 1000+ cultural figures, community leaders and experts to demand an urgent public meeting between Chris Packham and the new Attorney General, Richard Hermer KC, to discuss the UK adhering to its international commitments and more humane treatment of peaceful protestors.
Without peaceful protest and a fair trial, we have no democracy.
- Sadly I had to drop out of University after a relapse in my Long Covid symptoms left me largely paraylsed the last few months. With the summer breeze, reunited love and a fresh round of medication, I've been doing heaps better.
- I've moved to the Netherlands! I'll be working remotely on upcoming books, articles and going to the Degrowth festival Altshift over the summer. Hit me up if you're around.
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